What are the consequences of not having motorbike insurance?

Motorcyclists may be tempted not to take out insurance to save money. In the event of a police check or an accident, the consequences can be terrible. The lack of motorbike insurance is heavily sanctioned by law. According to the Insurance Code, it is compulsory to take out a motorbike insurance policy. Third party insurance represents the minimum protection, it covers bodily injury and material damage caused to a third party in the event of an accident.

Penalties for failure to take out motorbike insurance

Riding a motorbike without insurance is a crime under French law. At the first stop, the offence is punishable by a fine of 3750 € as well as additional penalties. These may include suspension or cancellation of the motorbike licence for a maximum of 3 years, confiscation or immobilisation of the two-wheeled vehicle, the obligation to take a road safety awareness course, a day-fine penalty... The rider may be forbidden to retake the motorbike licence, forbidden to drive land vehicles for a maximum of 5 years and may be sentenced to community service. Since the law of 18 November 2016, a fixed fine of 500 € can be applied in case of lack of insurance. A reduction of the fine to 400 € is granted to motorcyclists who pay the fine within 15 days. The fine amounts to €1,000 if payment is made after 45 days after the first observation of the offence.

What insurance packages should I take out to ride a motorbike?

Motorcyclists can choose from a variety of insurance formulas adapted to their needs. To make it easier to take out insurance, it is possible to take out motorbike insurance online. To benefit from good insurance, you can choose the all-risk formula. The ideal motorbike insurance is a contract that meets the insured's real needs in terms of budget and coverage. Insurers offer several formulas in their catalogue that can be improved with options covering the rider and the machine. Third party insurance represents the obligation for the motorbike owners to benefit from a civil liability guarantee. Several insurers include third party protection in their third-party insurance packages. The capital reimbursed by the protection is limited, it is necessary to take out a driver protection guarantee.

Different guarantees offered by motorbike insurance companies

In the event of a repeated offence, the penalty for the uninsured motorcyclist is more severe. The amount of the fine can reach 7500 €. A recidivist biker can see a considerable increase in the insurance premium. Insurers consider this behaviour to be risky. In order to benefit from better cover, the motorcyclist can take out a criminal defence and recourse guarantee. The guarantee intervenes in order to defend the insured in the event of an at-fault accident. In the event of a claim, the insurer pays the costs of proceedings, lawyers' fees and expert fees. The assistance guarantee covers the costs of breakdown or towing. To make savings, the insurance formula adapted to your needs is the third-party guarantee. It is also the only alternative that allows the terminated motorcyclist to travel legally.
Motorcyclists: Safety rules for motorbikes
Riding a motorbike: tips for beginners

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